Goodbye Winter |Halifax, N.S. Child Photographer

We have had a very, very long winter here in Nova Scotia…we even had a huge snowstorm on April 1st! As a family, we did have a blast playing outside in all that snow over the past few months…here are a few of my favourite images from our adventures 🙂 They are definitely not all technically perfect nor works of art 😉  but they are our in-the-moment, fun and natural family memories.  I am happy I captured them as a memento of our snowy Winter adventures, but now we are SO ready for SPRING!! 😀


Halifax Child Photographer | Samantha Covert PhotographyHalifax Child Photographer | Samantha Covert PhotographyHalifax Child Photographer | Samantha Covert PhotographyHalifax Child Photographer | Samantha Covert PhotographyHalifax Child Photographer | Samantha Covert PhotographyHalifax Child Photographer | Samantha Covert PhotographyHalifax Child Photographer | Samantha Covert PhotographyHalifax Child Photographer | Samantha Covert Photography

kel ward - These are fantastic!! Love them.

stephanie mballo - These are so fun! I have such a hard time getting through winters (which are much milder than yours!), but I love how you see the beauty and fun in it!

Nghi - What a beautiful way to capture the last few days of winter! Love the light!!!

Lina - Fun shots, but I am sure everyone is ready for shorts and sunscreen!

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